Sunday, December 28, 2008

Playing Catch-up: Interviewing from Bed

So my job with CTY ended in mid-August. I had already committed to being in the Capital Fellows program prior to going to CTY, so I was trying to gear myself up mentally for the year to come. But first, a wedding to attend. My friends Bonnie and Andrew were getting married, so I flew into NJ to stay with a friend so that we could carpool to the wedding on Long Island. I get to NJ on a Thursday I think (right Sarah?). At this point, I'm waiting to hear back from a job interview for a potential internship position that I would hold throughout the year in D.C. Later that day, I receive an email from the Fellows director, Bill, saying that another potential internship had been lined up and that I would receive an email soon about an interview. I shot off a quick email saying that the internship sounded good and was interested. I figured, it'll be a little while before I actually receive that email and set up a time for a phone interview. So I didn't check my email for the rest of the day.

The next morning, I'm in bed, happily asleep at 9 in the morning. Then my phone rudely awakes me. "Waaa??" I think groggily. I hadn't set an alarm the night before. I swing my legs out of bed and amble over to the phone, squinting because my eyes don't want to work that soon after waking up. A number I don't recognize appears on the screen. "Huh?" I think to myself as I flip the phone open. The resulting conversation is pretty much how it went.

"Hi, this is ____. May I speak to Frank Wang?"
"This is he."
"I'm calling to tell you a little bit about the law firm and what we do here."

OH CRAP, this is the interviewer that Bill emailed me about yesterday! WAKE UP!!! I tell myself.

So I ended up doing the interview sitting up in bed, with the covers over my legs, trying furiously to wake up. The Lord must have worked a miracle, because a couple hours later, I get an email extending a job offer.

My internship runs three days a week, Tuesday through Thursday. I work normal business hours and get paid too! I work at a law firm that does foreclosure work, representing homeowners instead of banks. As you might expect, business is exploding as the mortgage crisis deepens and the economy sinks. I pretty much do whatever they tell me to do, a sort of office handyman for everything. Though it's busy and often stressful, it's worth it when we save houses from foreclosure. It's nice to know that my job actually makes a tangible difference in someone's life.

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