Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chick Flicks

Cannot watch them without feeling depressed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Some days you just want to go BLAH!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Can Christ be at the heart of everything?

As I look back on my life, there were many years where I was blissfully unaware of pain and sorrow. That all came tumbling down when I hit high school. Disease and stress pushed my family to the breaking point and beyond. I knew first-hand what it felt like to have pain, sorrow, and brokenness on a scale that has never been rivaled. Fights, harsh words, and tears permeated life for the first three years of high school. Much of it was my own fault. I began to see the brokenness in my own life. I was an arrogant toe-rag who thought he was better than everyone else, but outwardly was self-effacing. I was living the Christian life, but without the core to drive it.

Where would a Christian be without Christ? Up the creek without a paddle heading towards Victoria Falls. Christians never have it easy. It comes with the virtue of being the target of Satan almost all the time. Persecution, sin, awareness of sin, expectations to live to the Law. They all serve to reveal the depth of brokenness in this world, most deeply seen in my own heart. But without Christ, you don't have your support. You are without the friend that keeps you going when you're down, that puts things into perspective for you. Basically, to be Christian without Christ is to call the worst you can endure without a way to endure it.

Christ is at the center of all my pain, as my partner in life, the one who mentors me. He gives me kind words to soothe my hurts and the loving embrace to quiet the crying. But then I wonder, if he is all of this, but also the master of the universe... Why does life suck so much?

The answer is one that I can't even imagine. How deep would my relationship be with Christ if everything went perfectly? Pretty shallow probably. I see this even with my best friends. They are the ones who have been there for the awfulness. They know my weaknesses and deepest desires because they've seen them laid bare. I cling to Christ in trial, and He never fails me. Every time, I am amazed by the goodness shown to me in bringing me through the pain.

All I know is that in my pain, Christ has never been better for me. He must be, and is, as good for me now in my pain and sorrow as he was when he took iron nails through his wrists and feet to be crucified. Great to say, but oh Lord, make it the truth my heart rests on forever.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

So I guess it's been about 10 months

Quick update...


Seminary for my Masters of Divinity
Administrative Assistant at L-3 Communications (office grunt, woot, 30 hours a week!)
Volunteer with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Georgetown
Volunteer with Mclean Pres. youth group
Church Choir Bass II

Its pretty hectic to say the least. But the Lord has been exceedingly gracious to provide great support from wonderful friends both in and not in the area.

Prayer Requests:
  • Perseverance to make it through
  • Focus for my studies
  • Stamina to do all that I do
  • Wisdom as I mentor students at McLean Pres and Georgetown
  • Wisdom regarding friendships and other relationships

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Playing Catch-up: What the Lord has done

So there are countless stories about the amazing work that the Lord has been doing in and through my life.  But, I probably shouldn't blog about them since I don't want to name names or make the people involved uncomfortable.  But it will suffice to say that I've had some amazing conversations with the most unlikely of people.  The Lord has gift wrapped opportunities to witness to His great love.  The Lord has even honored a desire of my heart that I thought He had said no to 4 years previously.  He has been really good and gracious the past 4 months.

But probably the biggest blessing so far has been the people speaking into my life that have pointed me with regards to my future vocation.  It seems like it has become clear that I will most likely be going into full-time ministry work.

So, we've pretty much caught ourselves up to date.  Actually, I just don't want to try to sort through all the stories for bloggable ones.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Playing Catch-up: In the Beginning...

...God created the heavens and the earth.

What? You expect me to pass up an opportunity like that? Please!

Anywhos, the start of the program:

We started with a kickoff retreat on Sept. 2, 2008. I managed to get a hold of my host family prior to meeting them, and they were gracious enough to let me drop my car-full of stuff at their house since I didn't really want to bring it to the retreat center and have it bake in the sun for 3 days or so.

It was a blast. All the Fellows shared their testimonies, and I finally got to attach people with the Facebook friends I had made prior to the start of the program (note: Facebook friends are not actual friends). It was a busy time. Many things were jammed into our time. In addition to the telling of testimonies, we spent time getting to know the people we'd be working with in our various ministries at the church (5 Fellows are working with the youth group, 6 with 4th-6th graders, and 2 with the young adult ministry), doing a photo scavenger hunt around D.C., going to a Nationals baseball game, playing many games, and lots of get to know you conversations.

After the kickoff retreat, we were introduced to the church body. It was kind of like being put on display for over 500 people that you didn't know. I have a newfound appreciation for what zoo animals go through everyday of their lives. =P

Anywhos, so after that initial Sunday of get to know you with the entire church body and the youth group a little later that night, things began to settle into a routine.

  • Sundays: Sunday school, church, youth group, Harvest (young adult ministry)
  • Mondays: AM class, free time, dinner, roundtable discussion
  • Tuesday-Thursdays: part-time internship with a law firm doing foreclosure work, representing homeowners, so basically we try to save houses all day
  • Every other Wed. night: class
  • Friday: class, free time
  • Saturday: off
The schedule is pretty full with the class work and the ministry work as well. We're taking 4 total classes this year. They're certified at a graduate-level by Reformed Theological Seminary. We're taking a Christ and Culture class (Learning to Read the World and the Word), Apologetics, Spiritual Formation, and Biblical theology.

The classes have been both infuriating and stimulating. They certainly stretch me to think about things in ways that I haven't even imagined in the past. They have forced me to think at least a little bit about things that I haven't ever considered.

In short, this program has made me grow every step of the way.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Playing Catch-up: Interviewing from Bed

So my job with CTY ended in mid-August. I had already committed to being in the Capital Fellows program prior to going to CTY, so I was trying to gear myself up mentally for the year to come. But first, a wedding to attend. My friends Bonnie and Andrew were getting married, so I flew into NJ to stay with a friend so that we could carpool to the wedding on Long Island. I get to NJ on a Thursday I think (right Sarah?). At this point, I'm waiting to hear back from a job interview for a potential internship position that I would hold throughout the year in D.C. Later that day, I receive an email from the Fellows director, Bill, saying that another potential internship had been lined up and that I would receive an email soon about an interview. I shot off a quick email saying that the internship sounded good and was interested. I figured, it'll be a little while before I actually receive that email and set up a time for a phone interview. So I didn't check my email for the rest of the day.

The next morning, I'm in bed, happily asleep at 9 in the morning. Then my phone rudely awakes me. "Waaa??" I think groggily. I hadn't set an alarm the night before. I swing my legs out of bed and amble over to the phone, squinting because my eyes don't want to work that soon after waking up. A number I don't recognize appears on the screen. "Huh?" I think to myself as I flip the phone open. The resulting conversation is pretty much how it went.

"Hi, this is ____. May I speak to Frank Wang?"
"This is he."
"I'm calling to tell you a little bit about the law firm and what we do here."

OH CRAP, this is the interviewer that Bill emailed me about yesterday! WAKE UP!!! I tell myself.

So I ended up doing the interview sitting up in bed, with the covers over my legs, trying furiously to wake up. The Lord must have worked a miracle, because a couple hours later, I get an email extending a job offer.

My internship runs three days a week, Tuesday through Thursday. I work normal business hours and get paid too! I work at a law firm that does foreclosure work, representing homeowners instead of banks. As you might expect, business is exploding as the mortgage crisis deepens and the economy sinks. I pretty much do whatever they tell me to do, a sort of office handyman for everything. Though it's busy and often stressful, it's worth it when we save houses from foreclosure. It's nice to know that my job actually makes a tangible difference in someone's life.