Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Playing Catch-up: What the Lord has done

So there are countless stories about the amazing work that the Lord has been doing in and through my life.  But, I probably shouldn't blog about them since I don't want to name names or make the people involved uncomfortable.  But it will suffice to say that I've had some amazing conversations with the most unlikely of people.  The Lord has gift wrapped opportunities to witness to His great love.  The Lord has even honored a desire of my heart that I thought He had said no to 4 years previously.  He has been really good and gracious the past 4 months.

But probably the biggest blessing so far has been the people speaking into my life that have pointed me with regards to my future vocation.  It seems like it has become clear that I will most likely be going into full-time ministry work.

So, we've pretty much caught ourselves up to date.  Actually, I just don't want to try to sort through all the stories for bloggable ones.